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Saturday, 30 March 2024

The Sxbbth [2024] - The Sxbbth [Self Released] (Full EP)

The debut, sample based, self-titled, EP/mixtape by contemporary gospel collective The Sxbbth is released exclusively on Bandcamp. 

They tell us 'it's not just a collection of songs, it's a manifesto of change, a declaration that gospel music can be bold, unconventional, and deeply resonant. They are challenging the conventions of traditional gospel music, carving out a space for themselves with an edgy, raw, and a unique departure from the formulaic offerings of the mainstream'.

That's undeniable as, until we read their brief on Bandcamp, we hadn't even considered it to be gospel music.

They are led by vocalist Chris Jackson, backed by producers LAWZ and Washington D.C. producer duo ANKN & VDR (Anikan & VDR).

We believe that the tracks provided on Bandcamp are just samples as all, apart from the last track, are below 2 mins in length and seem to end abruptly, but all sound good to our ears and come recommended.

Click on image below for link to where you can buy from.

Rating: 8.5
Explicit: N
Genre/Style: Contemporary Gospel
Format: EP
Media: Digital
Label: Self Released
Cat No: None
Date: 29/03/2024
Price: £name your price
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