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Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Billy McGregor - Discography

This post is inspired by the last post for Eddie Smith which was on the same Mello Tone label.

An interview with Bill McGregor by the late Bob Abrahamian Sitting In The Park posted on InDangerousRhythms.


The Antennas
1962 - Fuji-Yama Mama / Be Yourself [Clay 201]
Billy McGregor
1966 - Mr Shy / Fall On My Knees [Flash 6601]
1966 - She's A Yum-Yum / Fall On My Knees [Flash 6601/6603]
1966 - We've Been In Love Much Too Long / I've Got It [Palos 1204]
George McGregor & The Bronzettes / McGregor Brothers
1967 - Temptation Is Hard To Fight / Every Time I Wake Up [Twilight 102]
Billy McGregor
1968 - It's My Turn Now / The Great Creation [Mello Tone MW 1000]
1969 - We Can Over Come With Love / Thank Your Mother And Father [U.S.A. 1002]

The Antennas [1962] - Fuji-Yama Mama [Clay 201]

The Antennas were Shirley Shelton, Robert Bailey, Jerry Royal, Billy McGregor and George McGregor.  They released this 45 before joining Boss records and changing their name to The Squires.

Novelty song

The Antennas [1962] - Be Yourself [Clay 201]

Billy McGregor [1966] - Mr. Shy [Flash 6601]

Flash label was owned by Don Clay who was also the manager of St Lawrence in 1965 and also owned Boss records.

Billy McGregor [1966] - Fall On My Knees [Flash 6601]

Billy McGregor [1966] - She's A Yum Yum [Flash 6603]

No sound clip available

According to interview above this was follow-up on Flash which is a cover of Charlie Rich song.  I can't find a sound clip for it.

Billy McGregor [1966] - Fall On My Knees [Flash 6601]

Flip side to She's A Yum Yum same as flip to Mr. Shy

No label scan available.

Billy McGregor [1966] - We've Been In Love Much Too Long [Palos 1204]

Billy McGregor [1966] - I've Got It [Palos 1204]

George McGregor & The Bronzettes [1967] - Temptation Is Hard To Fight [Twilight 102]

I presume that George McGregor is Billy's brother as a/ it is arranged by Bill McGregor and b/ the flip side is by McGregor Brothers.

Reissued by Numero group in 2007 on look-alike Twinight label.  This is what their publicity said for the release which confirms that George is in fact Billy's brother.

"For the third release on the freshly minted Twilight label (Twinight was still a few releases away from becoming a reality), it was already establishing itself as a harbor for eccentric sounds. From producer Jimmy Jones first pedal steel wail to the loping waltz rhythms, “Temptation Is Hard To Fight” comes out of leftfield as one of the most unique soul ballads recorded in Chicago in the 1960s. Jones brought in a girlfriend and few of her friends for wo-oo-oo-oo-ooohs, giving the cut an amature, yet haunted feel. "Every Time I Wake Up" is a thoroughly catchy mid-tempo R&B workout, featuring George McGregor's brother Billy fresh off his “Mr. Shy” sessions."

McGregor Brothers [1967] - Every Time I Wake Up [Twilight 102]

Billy McGregor [1968] - It's My Turn Now [Mello Tone MW 1000]

Deep Soul harmony / lowrider

Billy McGregor [1968] - The Great Creation [Mello Tone MW 1000]


Billy McGregor, Doris Young [1969] - We Can Over Come With Love [U.S.A. 1002]

Northern Soul

Billy McGregor [1969] - Thank Your Mother And Father [U.S.A. 1002]

No sound clip available

COVID-19 6th May 2020


No deaths reported in Germany and their active cases are now 63.6% below peal of 6 Apr.

UK now has highest death rate in EU 29,427 (15% of total cases) second only to US 72,271 (6% of total cases).

Only Italy & US saw new cases reduce and UK continues to have double the cases of the nearest EU country.

All countries Recovery Rate increased.  UK now appears to be updating active cases with recovered cases so hopeful we will now start to see the Recovery Rate percentage increase.

Change Deaths Change
IT 1,075 88.04% 236 121.0% 74.17% 25.83%  Inc.
ES 2,260 191.69% 185 112.8% 85.69% 14.31%  Inc.
DE 855 175.20% 0 0.0% 95.02% 4.98%  Inc.
FR 1,089 141.61% 330 107.8% 67.19% 32.81%  Inc.
UK 4,406 110.56% 693 240.6% 14.65% 85.35%  Inc.
US 23,798 96.30% 2,350 177.6% 74.55% 25.45%  Inc.


IT - new cases -146, deaths +41, active cases -746 (91.94% of peak)

ES - new cases +1,081, deaths +21, active cases -1,335 (71.94% of peak)

FR - new cases +769, deaths +24, active cases -262 (97.24% of peak)

DE - new cases +367, deaths -127, active cases -1,414 (36.3% of peak)

US - new cases -915, deaths +1,027, active cases +14,907 (at peak and rising)

UK - new cases +421, deaths +405, active cases +3,811 (at peak and rising)

As I predicted weeks ago UK now has  the highest death rate in EU and will probably exceed 200,000 cases tomorrow at current rates (4,000+).

UK cases have now accelerated 4 days ahead of Italy's trajectory.
IT -  from 152,271 cases 11 Apr to 195,351 cases 24 Apr i.e. 13 days 25,969  deaths 
UK - from 152,840 cases 26 Apr to 194,990 cases  5 May i.e. 9 days  29,427 deaths

I know it's easy to criticise with hindsight but yesterday a further 3,000+ deaths were announced in care homes.  We knew in advance (at least 3 weeks) that Italy's elderly population were the ones most vulnerable and accounted for the most early deaths, so why is it only now that UK government is taking seriously what is happening to our elderly in care homes?  Insufficient testing and PPE - it's a disgrace. I have a 92 year old mother in law who thankfully is not in a care home but needs daily assistance so know how vulnerable the very poorly paid care assistants must be.  Quite rightly the NHS is being heaped with praise but let's not forget all the social care workers who do not have the benefit of the protection the NHS staff are receiving and are risking their health (and their family's) daily for paltry wages.

Let's hope that when this pandemic is over that there will be proper investment in the social care system which has been neglected for too long.  After this should we begrudge paying higher taxes to pay for the services that have looked after us through this crisis?  Perhaps this may balance our views on who are heros really are and should be - celebrities who just act, sing or play sport for a living or those who care for us when we are sick and all the scientists who are working on treatments and cures.

The next crisis we are likely to face is climate change and I listened to a very interesting interview this morning on BBC with Chris Stark CEO Climate Change Committee, the gist of which can be read in The Guardian but in essence he was saying that to help regenerate the economy out of lockdown we should focus on building the necessary 'green' infrastructure to reduce emissions which would create jobs and help with climate change.

Latest stats from Worldometers

Latest v previous day - Recovery rate v Death Rate

Total Active Conc. Recvd. Deaths Recvd% Death%
IT 213,013 99,541 113,472 84,157 29,315 74.17% 25.83%
ES 250,561 71,590 178,971 153,358 25,613 85.69% 14.31%
DE 167,007 26,523 140,484 133,491 6,993 95.02% 4.98%
FR 170,551 92,730 77,821 52,290 25,531 67.19% 32.81%
UK 195,990 161,511 34,479 5,052 29,427 14.65% 85.35%
US 1,237,633 953,628 284,005 211,734 72,271 74.55% 25.45%

Latest v previous day - increase / decrease

New Cases
5 May
New Cases
4 May
New Case Increase
5 May
4 May
IT 1,075 1,221 -146 236 195 41
ES 2,260 1,179 1,081 185 164 21
DE 855 488 367 0 127 -127
FR 1,089 769 320 330 306 24
UK 4,406 3,985 421 693 288 405
US 23,798 24,713 -915 2,350 1,323 1,027

Latest v previous day - actuals

Daily 05-May 04-May
Ctry New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 1,075 213,013 29,315 13.8% 211,938 29,079 13.7%
ES 2,260 250,561 25,613 10.2% 248,301 25,428 10.2%
DE 855 167,007 6,993 4.2% 166,152 6,993 4.2%
FR 1,089 170,551 25,531 15.0% 169,462 25,201 14.9%
UK 4,406 195,990 29,427 15.0% 190,584 28,734 15.1%
US 23,798 1,212,835 72,271 6.0% 1,212,835 69,921 5.8%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 05-May 28-Apr
Ctry New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 1,075 213,013 29,315 13.8% 201,505 27,359 13.6%
ES 2,260 250,561 25,613 10.2% 232,128 23,822 10.3%
DE 855 167,007 6,993 4.2% 159,912 6,126 3.8%
FR 1,089 170,551 25,531 15.0% 165,911 23,660 14.3%
UK 4,406 195,990 29,427 15.0% 161,145 25,302 15.7%
US 23,798 1,212,835 72,271 6.0% 1,035,765 59,265 5.7%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase
Daily Weekly
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
IT 100.5% 100.3% 105.7% 101.4%
ES 100.9% 99.8% 107.9% 99.6%
DE 100.5% 99.5% 104.4% 109.3%
FR 100.6% 100.7% 102.8% 105.0%
UK 102.8% 99.6% 121.6% 95.6%
US 100.0% 103.4% 117.1% 104.1%