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Friday 17 May 2024

Victor Haynes [2024] - Like The Old Days (Remix) [Expansion Records]

The same day as his new album release, Expansion Records has released a remix of Victor Haynes' last single "Like The Old Days".

We can't, hand on heart, say that we can tell any immediate difference as they have the same key and tempo and only the duration seems to differ with the remix being 3:51 v 4:09, but I guess if we were to forensically examine both then there must be some difference?

We'll post post and you can decide.

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Rating: 8
Explicit: N
Genre/Style: New Soul
Format: Single
Media: Digital
Label: Expansion Records
Cat No: None
Date: 17/05/2024
Key/BPM: 4A/96
Price: £1
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