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Saturday, 18 April 2020

COVID-19 18th April 2020


US - new cases 32,165 (+2,598), deaths 2,535 (+359)
Recovery Rate v Death Rate
61.96% v 38.04% Recovery Rate Reducing

ES - new cases 5,891 (+1,602), deaths 687 (+184)
Recovery Rate v Death Rate
78.45% v 21.55% Recovery Rate Reducing

IT - new cases 3,493 (-293), Deaths 575 (+30)
Recovery Rate v Death Rate
65.26% v 34.74% Recovery Rate Increasing

FR - new cases 1,909 (-10,507), death 761 (-8) NB adjusments have been made to way France is reporting see commenatry below.
Recovery Rate v Death Rate
64.82% v 35.18% Recovery Rate Increasing

DE - new cases 3,699 (+754), deaths 300 (+52)
Recovery Rate v Death Rate
95.20% v 4.98% Recovery Rate Increasing

UK - new cases 5,599 (+982), deaths 847 (-14)
Recovery Rate v Death Rate
2.31% v 97.69% Recovery Rate Reducing
Note UK is not removing recoverd cases from active cases which is distorting rates.


US - new cases and deaths have increased despite Trump trying to convince the nation that the epidemic has peaked, and have been higher than the low of 26,641 on13 Apr for the last 4 days and the 6th highest number of new cases in a day with the 3rd highest number of deaths reported in a day.

ES - new cases have increased for the last 4 days since low on 13 Apr of 3,268.  Deaths have also increased from low of 499 on 14 Apr.

IT - new cases reduced by 293 and deaths increase by 30.  There are now signs that the active case curve is flattening and the recobery rate is increasing.

FR - France's reporting is erratic as yesterday they reported 17,164 new cases with a total of 165,027 which has now been adjusted to 12,416 and 146,060 - somehow they have reduced the total by amnost 20,000 but the daoly rate by less than 5,000 - here is an explanation from Worldometers:

NOTE: France reported that a portion of the EHPAD and EMS nursing home cases - representing about 33% of the total EHPAD and EMS cases - were confirmed (rather than probable, as the other 67%) and as such are to be considered as already included in the total national case count [source]. The French Government has now started reporting the breakdown between confirmed and probable EHPAD and EMS cases [source]. We have adjusted the historical data for France from April 4 based on this information. On April 3, the French Government had reported 17,827 additional cases and 532 additional deaths from nursing homes that had not been reported previously. On April 2, it had reported 884 additional deaths.

DE - new cases increase to 3,299 the highest level since 10 Apr 3,936. Deaths have also increased from 129 on 10 Apr to 548

UK - new cases increase by almost 1,000 (982) to 5,599 3rd highest level.  Deaths stay above 700 (847) per day since 7 Apr.

Latest stats from Worldometers

Latest v previous day Recovery Rate v Death Rate

Total Active Conc. Recvd. Deaths Recvd% Death%
IT 172,434 106,962 65,472 42,727 22,745 65.26% 34.74%
ES 190,839 98,040 92,799 72,797 20,002 78.45% 21.55%
DE 141,397 53,931 87,466 83,114 4,352 95.02% 4.98%
FR 147,969 94,868 53,101 34,420 18,681 64.82% 35.18%
UK 108,692 93,772 14,920 344 14,576 2.31% 97.69%
US 709,735 612,071 97,664 60,510 37,154 61.96% 38.04%

Latest v previous day - increase/decrease

New Cases
17 Apr
New Cases
16 Apr
New Case Increase
17 Apr
16 Apr
IT 3,493 3,786 -293 575 545 30
ES 5,891 4,289 1,602 687 503 184
DE 3,699 2,945 754 300 248 52
FR 1,909 12,416 -10,507 6,265 753 5,512
UK 5,599 4,617 982 847 861 -14
US 32,165 29,567 2,598 2,535 2,176 359

Latest v previous day - actiuals

Daily 17-Apr 16-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 3,493 172,434 22,745 13.2% 168,941 22,170 13.1%
ES 5,891 190,839 20,002 10.5% 184,948 19,315 10.4%
DE 3,699 141,397 4,352 3.1% 137,698 4,052 2.9%
FR 1,909 147,969 18,681 12.6% 146,060 12,416 8.5%
UK 5,599 108,692 14,576 13.4% 103,093 13,729 13.3%
US 32,165 709,735 37,154 5.2% 677,570 34,619 5.1%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 17-Apr 10-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 3,493 172,434 22,745 13.2% 147,577 18,849 12.8%
ES 5,891 190,839 20,002 10.5% 158,273 16,081 10.2%
DE 3,699 141,397 4,352 3.1% 122,171 2,736 2.2%
FR 1,909 147,969 18,681 12.6% 113,927 13,197 11.6%
UK 5,599 108,692 14,576 13.4% 73,758 8,958 12.1%
US 32,165 709,735 37,154 5.2% 502,876 18,747 3.7%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase

Daily Weekly
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
IT 102.1% 100.5% 116.8% 103.3%
ES 103.2% 100.4% 120.6% 103.2%
DE 102.7% 104.6% 115.7% 137.4%
FR 101.3% 148.5% 129.9% 109.0%
UK 105.4% 100.7% 147.4% 110.4%
US 104.7% 102.5% 141.1% 140.4%

Weekly reduction in growth of cases/deaths

10-Mar 17-Mar Reduction
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Cases Deaths
IT 123.2% 104.2% 116.8% 103.3% -6.3% -1.0%
ES 132.8% 108.2% 120.6% 103.2% -12.2% -5.0%
DE 134.0% 160.1% 115.7% 137.4% -18.3% -22.7%
FR 152.0% 133.5% 129.9% 109.0% -22.1% -24.5%
UK 193.2% 128.6% 147.4% 110.4% -45.9% -18.2%
US 180.1% 145.8% 141.1% 140.4% -39.0% -5.4%

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