Friday, 19 February 2021

Lunar RAE [2021] - Lucid [1140] (Full Album)

From an album 'Lucid' released 12 Feb 2021, which is similar in feel to We Want You To Dance's album just posted.  It's impossible to pigeon hole as it's a nybrid of soul, R&B, hip-hop, jazz.  It may sound a bit messy to 'traditionalists' as the beats seem to be erratic which gives it a jazz vibe.  

I like it as it's pushing the boundaries not simply formulaic R&B like the path so many artists choose to take.  If new artists didn't push the boundaries then music would stagnate, so respect to them.

I've just found her website and she's an indie artist. Her name Luner RAE (R•A•E) stands for Reaching Authentic Essence, which would sum up the album.

Her real name is amber Baker, previously known as AbstractAmb, who was a drummer for Psych Rock band Unknown Mortal Orchestra. She now plays with Sir Woman from Austin, TX and has previously released a 7 track EP 'Reaching' in 2018 and a single 'Other Side' on 31 Dec 2020 which is included on the album and posted below.

If I were to attempt to draw comparisons with her music I would suggest that she reminds me of a blend between Erykah Badu and Jill Scott.

Listen to FullAlbum here

Where Are You

Here's a live clip of her and her band performing 'Where Are You' from 'Reaching' 2018. (Luther RAE is the singer/drummer).

Format: Single
Media: Digital
Label: 1140
Cat No: None
Year: 2021
Key: 8A/9A
BPM: 89
Value: £1

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