Saturday, 2 May 2020

COVID-19 2nd May 2020


Global cases now approaching 3.5 million with almost 1/4 million deaths and 1 million recoveries.

Change Deaths Change
IT 1,965 104.97% 269 94.4% 73.48% 26.52%  Inc.
ES 3,648 133.14% 281 104.9% 85.16% 14.84%  Inc.
DE 1,068 72.65% 113 72.4% 94.96% 5.04%  Inc.
FR 168 22.16% 219 75.8% 67.12% 32.88%  Inc.
UK 6,202 102.82% 739 109.6% 1.24% 98.76%  Red.
US 36,007 116.80% 1,897 86.2% 71.07% 28.93%  Inc.

As it's the start of a new month let's reflect on the growth between 1 Apr and 1 May

01-May 1 Apr (-1 Month)
Ctry Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 207,428 28,236 13.6% 110,574 13,155 11.9%
ES 242,988 24,824 10.2% 104,118 9,387 9.0%
DE 164,077 6,736 4.1% 77,981 931 1.2%
FR 167,346 24,595 14.7% 56,989 4,032 7.1%
UK 177,454 27,510 15.5% 29,474 2,352 8.0%
US 1,131,030 65,753 5.8% 215,003 5,102 2.4%


Ctry Case
IT 187.59% 114.42%
ES 233.38% 113.31%
DE 210.41% 343.87%
FR 293.65% 207.73%
UK 602.07% 194.27%
US 526.05% 244.99%

By Case Increase

Ctry Case
UK 602.07%
US 526.05%
FR 293.65%
ES 233.38%
DE 210.41%
IT 187.59%

By Death Rate

Ctry Death
DE 343.87%
US 244.99%
FR 207.73%
UK 194.27%
IT 114.42%
ES 113.31%

From the observations above Italy and Spain have fared the best. Whilst Germany's death rate increased the most it was from a very low start point of 1.2% and is still the lowest of all.  UK & US have seen the highest increase in cases (by a factor of 6 and 5.25 respectively) and must surely reach the peak soon?


IT - new cases increase by 93 (104.97%), deaths reduce by 16 (94.39%), active cases reduce by 608 and are now 6,76% below peak.

ES - new cases increase by 908 (133.14%), deaths increase by 13 (104.85%), active cases reduce by 1,390 and are now 24.37% below peak.

FR - new cases reduce by 590 (22.16%), deaths reduce by 70 (75%), active cases reduce by 1,927 and are now 2.96% below peak.

DE - new cases reduce by 402 (77.65%), deaths reduce by 43 (72.44%), active cases reduce by 2,445 and are now 58.22% below peak.

US - new cases increase by 5,178 to 36,007 (116.8%) the 2nd highest figure to date, deaths reduce by 303 (86.23%), active cases increase by 24,871.

UK - new cases increase by 170 (102.82% to highest daily total (6,202) so far (probably as a result of increased testing), deaths increase by 65 (109.64%), active cases ?

UK Testing (source DHSCGovuk)

So somehow we got from 28,000 tests per day to 122,347 in a week!  It turns out that around 40,000 are postal tests that have only been sent and not returned but it's 'convenient' for the government to count these.

No. of tests:           122,347
no. people tested:   73,191

Latest stats from Worldometers

Latest v previous day - Recovery rate v Death Rate

Total Active Conc. Recvd. Deaths Recvd% Death%
IT 207,428 100,943 106,485 78,249 28,236 73.48% 26.52%
ES 242,988 75,714 167,274 142,450 24,824 85.16% 14.84%
DE 164,077 30,441 133,636 126,900 6,736 94.96% 5.04%
FR 167,346 92,540 74,806 50,211 24,595 67.12% 32.88%
UK 177,454 149,600 27,854 344 27,510 1.24% 98.76%
US 1,131,030 903,714 227,316 161,563 65,753 71.07% 28.93%

Latest v previous day - increase / decrease

New Cases
1 May
New Cases
30 Apr
New Case Increase
1 May
30 Apr
IT 1,965 1,872 93 269 285 -16
ES 3,648 2,740 908 281 268 13
DE 1,068 1,470 -402 113 156 -43
FR 168 758 -590 219 289 -70
UK 6,202 6,032 170 739 674 65
US 36,007 30,829 5,178 1,897 2,200 -303

Latest v previous day - actuals

Daily 01-May 30-Apr
Ctry New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 1,965 207,428 28,236 13.6% 205,463 27,967 13.6%
ES 3,648 242,988 24,824 10.2% 239,639 24,543 10.2%
DE 1,068 164,077 6,736 4.1% 163,009 6,623 4.1%
FR 168 167,346 24,595 14.7% 167,178 24,376 14.6%
UK 6,202 177,454 27,510 15.5% 171,253 26,771 15.6%
US 36,007 1,131,030 65,753 5.8% 1,095,023 63,856 5.8%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 01-May 24-Apr
Ctry New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 1,965 207,428 28,236 13.6% 192,994 25,969 13.5%
ES 3,648 242,988 24,824 10.2% 219,764 22,525 10.2%
DE 1,068 164,077 6,736 4.1% 154,999 5,760 3.7%
FR 168 167,346 24,595 14.7% 159,208 22,245 14.0%
UK 6,202 177,454 27,510 15.5% 143,464 22,792 15.9%
US 36,007 1,131,030 65,753 5.8% 925,232 52,191 5.6%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase

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