Wednesday, 22 April 2020

COVID-19 22nd Aril


Daily deaths increased in all countries from previous day, UK and US worst affected.




IT 2,729  +20.97% 534 +15.0% 67.52%  32.48%  Increasing
ES 3,968  +158.33% 430 +7.2% 79.50% 20.50%  Increasing
DE 1,388  +4.91% 224 +1.8% 94.93% 5.07%  Reducing
FR 2,667  +7.15% 540 +0.4% 65.33% 34.67%  Increasing
UK 4,301  -8.02% 828 +45.8% 1.95% 98.05%  Reducing
US 25,985  -7.60% 2,804 +30.8% 64.66% 35.34%  Reducing


US - new cases fall by 1,138 (25,958) the lowest since 31 Mar (25,079) but remain above 25,000 and no. of deaths is highest reported to date at 2,804Recovery Rate is reduced from yesterday.

ES - new cases rose by 2,432 (158.33%) and deaths up 31.  Recovery Rate is increasing from yesterday.

IT - new cases up 473 and deaths up 80 but active cases reduced for 2nd day and Recovery Rate is increasing.

FR - news cases increased 178 and deaths by 2 and there are signs that active case curve is flattening 95,328 16 Apr v 98,073. 21 Apr i.e. less than 3,000 (2,745)  in 5 days (550 per day). Recovery Rate is increasing from yesterday.

DE - new cases up 65 and deaths up 4. Active Cases continue to reduce from 72,865 6 Apr to 48,167 21 Apr - a reduction of 24,695 (33%) from peakRecovery Rate is reduced from yesterday.

UK - new cases reduce by 375 but deaths increase by 379 to 828 the 8th day in the last 14 that deaths have been over 800. To put this in perspective Italy has only exceeded 800 deaths on 4 days so far, Spain on 6, France on 8 and Germany has never had as many deaths and have only exceeded 300 on 4 days.

On the subject of reported deaths, the ONS has published its latest statistics yesterday which have been all over the media.  Let's put them into perspective.  Firstly these figures show all registered deaths up to 10th April 2020 (Good Friday) so are 12 days out of date.

The 2nd column below holds the figures of 10 April. Today's death figure on Worldometer as of 21st April 2020 is 17,337, therefore, in the 3rd column, I have simply doubled the figure of 10 April as we know hosital deaths are 17,337 and as you can see doubling 8,673 hospital deaths on 10th Apr gives us almost exactly the number of hospital deaths reported on 21st Apr, therefore is it safe to assume that the other numbers may have also doubled? - which would provide a total of 20,670.  When the figures were last provided on 3 Apr (reported on this blog on 14 Mar and ONS direct) the number of care home deaths was 217 3 Apr v 1,043 on 10 Apr - almost a 5 fold increase in just one week

ONS reported deaths 10 Apr 2020

Place of death10 Apr Doubled
Care Home1,0432,086
Other communal 2142
10,335 20,670

The Financial Times have quoted a figure of 41,000 UK deaths based on their analysis and extrapolation of the excess deaths over the expected average at this time of year from the figures provided by ONS.

The FT provides excellent COVID-19 coverage with graphs and also John Burn-Murdoch's twitter feed.

Latest Stats from Worldometers

Latest v previous day - Recovery Rate v Death Rate

Total Active Conc. Recvd. Deaths Recvd% Death%
IT 183,597 107,709 75,888 51,240 24,648 67.52% 32.48%
ES 204,178 100,382 103,796 82,514 21,282 79.50% 20.50%
DE 148,453 48,167 100,286 95,200 5,086 94.93% 5.07%
FR 158,050 98,073 59,977 39,181 20,796 65.33% 34.67%
UK 129,044 111,363 17,681 344 17,337 1.95% 98.05%
US 818,744 690,503 128,241 82,923 45,318 64.66% 35.34%

Latest v previous date - increase / decrease

New Cases
21 Apr
New Cases
20 Apr

New Case Increase


21 Apr


20 Apr


IT 2,729 2,256 473 534 454 80
ES 3,968 1,536 2,432 430 399 31
DE 1,388 1,323 65 224 220 4
FR 2,667 2,489 178 540 538 2
UK 4,301 4,676 -375 828 449 379
US 25,985 28,123 -2,138 2,804 1,939 865

Latest v previous day - actuals

Daily 21-Apr 20-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 2,729 183,597 24,648 13.4% 181,228 24,114 13.3%
ES 3,968 204,178 21,282 10.4% 200,210 20,852 10.4%
DE 1,388 148,453 5,086 3.4% 147,065 4,862 3.3%
FR 2,667 158,050 20,796 13.2% 155,383 20,256 13.0%
UK 4,301 129,044 17,337 13.4% 124,743 16,509 13.2%
US 25,985 818,744 45,318 5.5% 792,759 42,514 5.4%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 21-Apr 14-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 2,729 183,597 24,648 13.4% 162,488 21,067 13.0%
ES 3,968 204,178 21,282 10.4% 174,060 18,255 10.5%
DE 1,388 148,453 5,086 3.4% 132,210 3,495 2.6%
FR 2,667 158,050 20,796 13.2% 130,253 15,729 12.1%
UK 4,301 129,044 17,337 13.4% 93,873 12,107 12.9%
US 25,985 818,744 45,318 5.5% 617,661 29,825 4.8%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase

Daily Weekly


Death Rate
 Increase Factor


Death Rate
 Increase Factor
IT 101.3% 100.9% 113.0% 103.5%
ES 102.0% 100.1% 117.3% 99.4%
DE 100.9% 103.6% 112.3% 129.6%
FR 101.7% 100.9% 121.3% 109.0%
UK 103.4% 101.5% 137.5% 104.2%
US 103.3% 103.2% 132.6% 114.6%

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