Tuesday, 6 June 2023

One Girl Too Late - Version Excursion

The Brenda & The Tabulations Philadelphia Re-edit Sessions prompted us to dig out the versions we could find for their Van McCoy written song "One Girl Too Late".

We only found four versions, the 1973 Brenda & the Tabulations original, a 1975 album track only by the UK's Polly Brown, Pure Silk feat. Winsome 12" (mentioned the other day on the Wendy Walker post) and finally Gina Foster's Dutch only 7" promo (from a "Massive 5" CD compilation) both from around 1992 and both reggae tinged versions.

If you know of any others then let is know.

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1 comment:

  1. I think you have done the trick and that there are only these versions quoted. But Brenda crushes all the other covers with this wonderful song in the style of the late Van McCoy.



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