Thursday, 29 September 2022

The Valentine Bros. [1982] - Money's Too Tight (To Mention) [Bridge Records #BR-1982-2]

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, what a fiasco! Not only has it been pretty lean on the new release front this week but the financial markets are in turmoil over new Chancellor Kamikaze Kwarteng and Liz Truss(ed) so called mini-budget last Friday. Didn't ex-Chancellor Rishi Sunak warn them that the markets would react badly to their tax-cut plans? Hands up .. did anyone think it could get even worse than Bungling Boris? If ever a vote of no confidence was needed then now is the time. It could be the shortest reign of a Prime Minister in history. If this is an example of what's to come then she needs to go sooner rather than later before she does any more damage ... but which clown will take her place? Where is she? She's gone AWOL and almost a week later we've heard nothing from her and she is nowhere to be seen. Call that leadership? Time for a general election and let the country decide rather than the Tory party deciding who is the next Prime Minister as they've got it wrong YET again! Four different PM's in six years .. what a debacle and embarrassment!

Very worrying times on so many fronts, Brexit, Covid, inflation, high interest rates, global warming, that cretin in the Kremlin who appears to be blowing up gas pipelines now as well as holding sham ballots and threatening nuclear war and at the same time we have China preying on Taiwan. The only light relief we have is music.

A topical song from The Valentine Bros. with "Money's Too Tight To Mention" (1982) covered by Simply Red in 1985 as their first single who had a world-wide hit with it. They were brothers John and William (Billy) Valentine (aka Denham) from Columbus, OH. Billy sang with Young-Holt Unlimited in the 70s before pairing up with his brother and they released four albums between 1979-87 as The Valentine Brothers.

Rating: 8.6
Explicit: N
Genre/Style: Modern Soul
Format: Single
Media: 12" Vinyl
Label: Bridge Records
Cat No: BR-1982-2
Date: 1982
Key/BPM: 10A/109
Price: £10 approx.
Copyright © 2009-2022 SoulStrutter All Rights Reserved

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