Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Michael Gove [2022] - The Snake [Downing Street Records]

The latest tally of UK government resignations is 43 plus one sacking (1 cabinet minster sacked and another 3 resignations, 15 ministers and 20 parliamentary private secretaries and 5 others have resigned).

When announcing the sacking of Michael Gove, Downing Street issued this statement "you can’t have a snake who is not with you on any of the big arguments who then gleefully tells the press the leader has to go". That must mean he could be a closet baggy trousered talcum boy😂! (Northern Soulie to the unvitiated)

There were some 'classic' comments by the leader of the opposition, Keir Starmer, in Prime Ministers questions in the House of Commons calling the opposition the 'charge of the lightweight brigade" and saying of those ministers who have resigned that it was the 'first recorded case of the sinking ship fleeing the rat'! and called those that remained a "z list cast of nodding dogs".

He started off with "Mr. Speaker isn't this the first recorded case of the sinking ship fleeing the ratand continued later with: "As for those who are left, only in office because no-one else is prepared to debase themselves any longer. The charge of the lightweight brigade. ... Have some self-respect ... For a week he’s had them defending his decision to promote a sexual predator … anyone with anything about them would be long gone from his frontbench ... in the middle of a crisis, doesn’t the country deserve better than a z list cast of nodding dogs?"

On the more serious side, the value of the pound has now dropped to $1.19 (13.2%) as at the start of the year it was $1.37 and the lowest it's been since the start of lockdown in March 2020, which in turn was the lowest it's been since March 1985. So, whilst it may seem like a bit of political spectator sport, the ramifications for the economy are serious if BoJo doesn't wake up and smell the coffee and walk, as the drop in the pound will inevitably mean that we should expect petrol prices to go up even further if things don't settle down quickly (as of course oil is bought in dollars), which they won't the longer this drags on as markets don't like uncertainty ... 'time to  GoBoJoGo'.

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