Saturday, 13 March 2021

Holly Day [2021] - Come Back to R&B [Self Released]

I don't normally do this (and this is actually the first time), but I came across this new 5 track EP from Holly Day (released 7 Mar 2021) which I can't find anywhere else except for Amazon so unfortunately I can't link to any full sound files.

It is R&B flavoured but I feel the whole EP has a good vibe about it so thought it was worth pointing you to it so if you like you can buy.  If or when I can find sound files I'll post them.

Click on image to vist Amazon to listen to samples.

1 comment:

  1. Good evening SOULSTRUTTER:

    Thank you for the kind words and acknowledgement. I just happened to come across your post regarding my album labeled "Come Back to R&B," which has been taken down. However, the songs are still released, but under a different distributor. Below is my website where all of my songs may be found. Thank you for listening and have a wonderful night!


    Holly Day


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