Thursday, 21 January 2021

Lenny Williams Feat. Lonnel Williams [2021] - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now [SoulMusic] (Full Album)

A new 'steppers' version of McFadden & Whitehead's philly classic by ex Tower Of Power frontman Lennie Williams Feat. Lonnel Williams (his son?).
This is from his new album 'Chill' but also released on a compilation 'Philly Soul Select' released 8 Jan 2021 by the same label SoulMusic Records which is what alerted me to the track. Sadly the remainder of the compilation comes across like one of those budget Top Of The Pops hits compilations from the 70s. I was hoping to find a few gems but unfortunatley it comes across as 'has beens' or 'wannabes' performing philly hits on a low budget. It's even got soul journalist (ex Blues & Soul) David Nathan performing 'Foolish'!

The only other tracks on Lennie William's new album that standout (to me) are 'Baby, Take It Off' and 'I Do'. I was looking forward to hearing his version of Hall & Oates' 'Sarah Smile' hoping that he'd get really deep on it but was a little disappointed as his voice (understandably) isn't as strong as it was so he doesn't 'let rip' as I would have liked and expected years ago, but it's still a nice version.

Listen to Full album here

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