Wednesday, 29 April 2020

COVID-19 29th April 2020


Change Deaths Change
IT 2,891 +66.24% 372 +11.7% 71.60% 28.40%  Increasing
ES 2,706 -3.11% 301 -9.1% 83.87% 16.13%  Increasing
DE 1,154 +16.80% 188 +25.3% 94.90% 5.10%  Reducing
FR 2,638 +124.89% 367 -16.0% 66.46% 33.54%  Increasing
UK 3,996 -7.26% 586 +62.8% 1.56% 98.44%  Reducing
US 25,409 +9.54% 2,469 +78.4% 70.59% 29.41%  Reducing


ITincreased new cases and deaths, active cases reducing slowly for 9 days

ES - reduced new cases and deaths, active cases have reduced each day for 7 days

DE - increased new cases and deaths but active cases continue to reduce.

FR - increased new cases - reduced deaths, active cases levelling off for 10 days around 95,000

UK - reduced new cases - increased deaths
As predicted a few days ago UK now has more cases than Germany as their cases reduce and UK continues to have around 4,000 or more per day

Latest testing figures (source DHSCgovuk) show less than half the 100,000 target (45,563) is being met with less than 30,000 people being tested i.e. over half the people tested (29,571) being tested twice.

US - increased new cases and deaths, active cases continue to increase and show no signs of slowing down. Deaths over 2,000 at their 5th highest level.  A sobering fact is that more US citizens have now died from COVID-19 than died in the Vietnam war.

Latest stats from Worldometers

Latest v previous day - Recovery rate v Death Rate

Total Active Conc. Recvd. Deaths Recvd% Death%
IT 201,505 105,205 96,300 68,951 27,349 71.60% 28.40%
ES 232,128 84,403 147,725 123,903 23,822 83.87% 16.13%
DE 159,912 36,198 123,714 117,400 6,314 94.90% 5.10%
FR 165,911 95,365 70,546 46,886 23,660 66.46% 33.54%
UK 161,145 139,123 22,022 344 21,678 1.56% 98.44%
US 1,035,765 834,261 201,504 142,238 59,266 70.59% 29.41%

Latest v previous day - increase / decrease

New Cases
28 Apr
New Cases
27 Apr
New Case Increase
28 Apr
27 Apr
IT 2,891 1,739 1,152 372 333 39
ES 2,706 2,793 -87 301 331 -30
DE 1,154 988 166 188 150 38
FR 2,638 1,173 1,465 367 437 -70
UK 3,996 4,309 -313 586 360 226
US 25,409 23,196 2,213 2,469 1,384 1,085

Latest v previous day - actuals

Daily 28-Apr 27-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 2,891 201,505 27,349 13.6% 199,414 26,977 13.5%
ES 2,706 232,128 23,822 10.3% 229,422 23,521 10.3%
DE 1,154 159,912 6,314 3.9% 158,758 6,126 3.9%
FR 2,638 165,911 23,660 14.3% 163,273 23,293 14.3%
UK 3,996 161,145 21,678 13.5% 157,149 21,092 13.4%
US 25,409 1,035,765 59,266 5.7% 1,010,356 56,797 5.6%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 28-Apr 21-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 2,891 201,505 27,349 13.6% 183,957 24,648 13.4%
ES 2,706 232,128 23,822 10.3% 204,178 21,282 10.4%
DE 1,154 159,912 6,314 3.9% 148,453 5,086 3.4%
FR 2,638 165,911 23,660 14.3% 153,351 20,796 13.6%
UK 3,996 161,145 21,678 13.5% 128,044 17,337 13.5%
US 25,409 1,035,765 59,266 5.7% 824,229 45,536 5.5%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase

Daily Weekly
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
IT 101.0% 100.3% 109.5% 101.3%
ES 101.2% 100.1% 113.7% 98.5%
DE 100.7% 102.3% 107.7% 115.2%
FR 101.6% 100.0% 108.2% 105.2%
UK 102.5% 100.2% 125.9% 99.4%
US 102.5% 101.8% 125.7% 103.6%

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