Monday, 27 April 2020

COVID-19 27th Aprl 2020


Change Deaths Change
IT 2,324 -1.40% 260 -59.6% 70.90% 29.10%  Increasing
ES 2,870  -28.16% 288 -31.3% 83.54% 16.46%  Increasing
DE 1,257 -16.97% 99 -18.2% 94.94% 5.06%  Increasing
FR 162 -90.24% 242 -52.5% 66.27% 33.73%  Reducing
UK 4,463 -9.16% 413 -96.9% 1.63% 98.37%  Reducing
US 26,509 -25.16% 1,157 -78.3% 68.19% 31.81%  Reducing


Positive news today that new cases and deaths reduced in ALL countries for the first time.

DE, FR & ES see active cases reducing, IT active cases has been reducing for last 5 days but saw a slight increase.  UK & US have still not shown any signs but UK is not reporting recovered cases so active cases will only reduce by total cases minus total deaths.

US - new cases reduce by 8,910 (-25.16%), deaths reduce by 906 (-43.92%).

ES - new cases reduce by 1,125 (-18.16%), deaths reduce by 90 (-23.81%). Active cases reduced significantly from 105,149 to 85,712 (18.5%).

IT - new cases reduce by 33 (-1.4%), deaths reduce by 155 (-37.35%). Active cases increased by 155.

FR - new cases reduce by 1,498 (-90.24%) to the lowest rate since 12 Mar (595), deaths reduce by 127 (-34.425%). Active cases increase by 61.

DE - new cases reduce by 257 (-16.97%), deaths reduce by 18 (-15.38%). Active cases continue to reduce and are now 45.44% of high (39,754 v 72,865).

UK - new cases reduce by 413 (-9.16%) deaths reduce by 400 (-43.92%).

Latest stas from Worldometers

Latest v previous day - Recovery rate v Death Rate

Total Active Conc. Recvd. Deaths Recvd% Death%
IT 197,675 106,103 91,572 64,928 26,644 70.90% 29.10%
ES 226,629 85,712 140,917 117,727 23,190 83.54% 16.46%
DE 157,770 39,754 118,016 112,040 5,976 94.94% 5.06%
FR 162,100 94,341 67,759 44,903 22,856 66.27% 33.73%
UK 152,840 131,764 21,076 344 20,732 1.63% 98.37%
US 987,160 812,966 174,194 118,781 55,413 68.19% 31.81%

Latest v previous day - increase / decrease

New Cases
26 Apr
New Cases
25 Apr
New Case Increase
26 Apr
25 Apr
IT 2,324 2,357 -33 260 415 -155
ES 2,870 3,995 -1,125 288 378 -90
DE 1,257 1,514 -257 99 117 -18
FR 162 1,660 -1,498 242 369 -127
UK 4,463 4,913 -450 413 813 -400
US 26,509 35,419 -8,910 1,157 2,063 -906

Latest v previous day - actuals

Daily 26-Apr 25-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 2,324 197,675 26,644 13.5% 195,351 26,384 13.5%
ES 2,870 226,629 23,190 10.2% 223,759 22,902 10.2%
DE 1,257 157,770 5,976 3.8% 156,513 5,877 3.8%
FR 162 162,100 22,856 14.1% 161,488 22,614 14.0%
UK 4,463 152,840 20,732 13.6% 148,377 20,319 13.7%
US 26,509 987,160 55,413 5.6% 960,651 54,256 5.6%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 26-Apr 19-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 2,324 197,675 26,644 13.5% 178,972 23,660 13.2%
ES 2,870 226,629 23,190 10.2% 198,674 20,453 10.3%
DE 1,257 157,770 5,976 3.8% 145,742 4,642 3.2%
FR 162 162,100 22,856 14.1% 147,844 19,718 13.3%
UK 4,463 152,840 20,732 13.6% 120,067 16,060 13.4%
US 26,509 987,160 55,413 5.6% 770,014 40,901 5.3%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase

Daily Weekly
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
IT 101.2% 99.8% 110.5% 102.0%
ES 101.3% 100.0% 114.1% 99.4%
DE 100.8% 100.9% 108.3% 118.9%
FR 100.4% 100.7% 109.6% 105.7%
UK 103.0% 99.1% 127.3% 101.4%
US 102.8% 99.4% 128.2% 105.7%

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