Sunday, 12 April 2020

COVID-19 12th April 2020


US new cases down 3,749 and new deaths down 226 but new cases still linger around 30,000+

Spain new cases below 5,000 for the first time since 22 Mar and 'active' cases seem to be plateauing having risen less than 3,000 (2,623) in 4 days 84,689 7 Apr v 87,312 11 Apr.

Italy new cases increased by 743 but the concern is that they have been higher than the low of 3,039 on 7 Apr for 4 consecutive days with more than a 50% increase at 4,694 yesterday.

France new cases continue to 'yo-yo' with a reduction of 2,335 

Germany reported the fewest number of new cases in 5 EU countries with 3,281 and the lowest deaths 135.

UK again reported highest number of new cases in EU (5,233), thankfully 3,448 down from high on 10 Apr and has reported deaths of around 900 for the 4 day.

If you look at the percentage rate increase table below, UK is increasing at the highest rate both daily 107.1% and weekly 188.5%.

Latest stats from Worldometers

Latest v previous day - increase/decrease

New Cases
11 Apr
New Cases
10 Apr
New Case Increase
11 Apr
10 Apr
IT 4,694 3,951 743 619 570 49
ES 4,754 5,051 -297 525 634 -109
DE 3,281 3,936 -655 135 129 6
FR 4,785 7,120 -2,335 635 987 -352
UK 5,233 8,681 -3,448 917 980 -63
US 30,003 33,752 -3,749 1,830 2,056 -226

Latest v previous day - actuals

Daily 11-Apr 10-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 4,694 152,271 19,468 12.8% 147,577 18,849 12.8%
ES 4,754 163,027 16,606 10.2% 158,273 16,081 10.2%
DE 3,281 125,452 2,871 2.3% 122,171 2,736 2.2%
FR 4,785 125,654 13,832 11.0% 124,869 13,197 10.6%
UK 5,233 78,991 9,875 12.5% 73,758 8,958 12.1%
US 30,003 532,879 20,577 3.9% 502,876 18,747 3.7%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 11-Apr 04-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 4,694 152,271 19,468 12.8% 124,632 15,362 12.3%
ES 4,754 163,027 16,606 10.2% 126,168 11,947 9.5%
DE 3,281 125,452 2,871 2.3% 96,092 1,444 1.5%
FR 4,785 125,654 13,832 11.0% 89,953 7,560 8.4%
UK 5,233 78,991 9,875 12.5% 41,903 4,313 10.3%
US 30,003 532,879 20,577 3.9% 313,379 8,469 2.7%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase

Daily Weekly
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
IT 103.2% 100.1% 122.2% 103.7%
ES 103.0% 100.3% 129.2% 107.6%
DE 102.7% 102.2% 130.6% 152.3%
FR 100.6% 104.2% 139.7% 131.0%
UK 107.1% 102.9% 188.5% 121.5%
US 106.0% 103.6% 170.0% 142.9%

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