Friday, 10 April 2020

COVID-19 10th April 2020


US new cases up 1,601 from yesterday and it looks likely total cases will be around 500,000 tomorrow at current rates.  New York has now the most cases worldwide at 161,504.

Spain had lowest number of new cases (5,002) since peak on 26 Mar 8,271.

Italy continues to have fewer new cases (4,204) since peak 6,557 21 Mar, but new cases have increased for the last 2 days since the low of 3,039 7 Apr.

Like Italy, Germany continues to have fewer cases since the peak 6.933 26 Mar but new cases have been higher than the low of 6 Apr 3,252 for the last 3 days.

France new cases up 918 and deaths up 800 to 1,344 the 3rd highest to date and the 5th time deaths have exceeded 1,000 in a day in France. No other EU country has reported more than 1,000 deaths in a day, even at its worst Italy only reported 919 deaths in a day, UK 938, Spain 961, Germany 333.

UK new cases down 1,147 from yesterday but still UK's 4th highest number. Reported deaths (881) are 2nd highest after yesterday's high of 938.

I think what the latest figures are showing is that even though it would appear that Italy, Spain and Germany all peaked 2 to 3 weeks ago, and new cases are lower, they are still experiencing 4,000-5,000 new cases per day.  France, UK and US 'may' have peaked in the last week (still to be confirmed), but we should expect to continue to see a consistent number of new cases for a few more weeks.

Latest stats from Worldometers

Latest v previous day - increase/decrease

New Cases
9 Apr
New Cases
8 Apr
New Case Increase
9 Apr
8 Apr
IT 4,204 3,836 368 610 542 68
ES 5,002 6,278 -1,276 655 747 -92
DE 4,939 5,633 -694 258 333 -75
FR 4,799 3,881 918 1,341 541 800
UK 4,344 5,491 -1,147 881 938 -57
US 33,536 31,935 1,601 1,903 1947 -44

Latest v previous day - actuals

Daily 09-Apr 08-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 4,204 143,626 18,279 12.7% 139,422 17,669 12.7%
ES 5,002 153,222 15,447 10.1% 148,220 14,792 10.0%
DE 4,939 118,235 2,607 2.2% 113,296 2,349 2.1%
FR 4,799 117,749 12,210 10.4% 112,950 10,869 9.6%
UK 4,344 65,077 7,978 12.3% 60,733 7,097 11.7%
US 33,536 468,566 16,691 3.6% 434,927 14,788 3.4%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 09-Apr 02-Apr
Country New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 4,204 143,626 18,279 12.7% 115,242 13,914 12.1%
ES 5,002 153,222 15,447 10.1% 112,065 10,348 9.2%
DE 4,939 118,235 2,607 2.2% 84,794 1,107 1.3%
FR 4,799 117,749 12,210 10.4% 59,105 5,387 9.1%
UK 4,344 65,077 7,978 12.3% 33,718 2,921 8.7%
US 33,536 468,566 16,691 3.6% 246,515 6,081 2.5%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase

Daily Weekly
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
IT 103.0% 100.4% 124.6% 105.4%
ES 103.4% 101.0% 136.7% 109.2%
DE 104.4% 106.3% 139.4% 168.9%
FR 104.2% 107.8% 199.2% 113.8%
UK 107.2% 104.9% 193.0% 141.5%
US 107.7% 104.8% 190.1% 144.4%

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