Friday, 8 May 2020

George E. Smith - Discography

I can find very little info about George Smith (which is hampered by his common name!).  However, according to an article in Billboard Aug 1965 (clip below) promoting his Turntable 45, it states that hew was lead singer with the 'new' Ink Spots.

I can only find 5 45s (one of which appears to be promo only).  The classic 'Don't Find Me Guilty' was issued twice, first(?) on Bojo and then on Conclave.  However, his other Bojo release is listed on 45Cat with a release date of 1984, when it was clearly recorded earlier.  This may be attributed to the fact that he released an album 'I'm Only Human' on Bojo in 1984.  Was Bojo his own label (as only his material was released on it), and did he reissue 'Don't Find Me Guilty' on Bojo making it in fact the 2nd and not 1st issue?  Manship states that Bojo was 1st issue. A Christmas album 'A Christmas Lullaby' followed in 1986.


1964 - Pretty Little Girl / Born Again [Laurie LR3263]
1965 - I've Had It / When Love Turns To Pity [Turntable TT-713] 
1969 - Human / Don't Find Me Guilty [Conclave RR 340]
1969 - If She Walked Into My Life Today / Out Of This World [Bojo 1000]
1974 - Can You Talk? / Can You Talk? [Mosaic MDJ 19003]

1984 - I'm Only Human [Bojo M300]
1986 - A Christmas Lullaby [Bojo BJP 9300]

George Smith [1964] - Pretty Little Girl [Laurie LR3263]

Popcorn written by George Smith.

George Smith [1964] - Born Again [Laurie LR3263]

Doo-Wop Ballad

George Smith [1965] - I've Had It [Turntable TT-713] 

Northern Soul Mid-Tempo

Turntable was a 60s soul/R&B label based in New York which released around 7 45s. Sam Goody was a major stockholder and Sylvia Langler was V.P.. Many of the sides issued were composed by and/or produced/arranged by Robert Banks (MIghty Good Way).

Accroding to the clip below from Billboard, George Smith was the lead singer with the 'new' Ink Spots.

Here's a clipping from Billboard 14 Aug 1965 (page 8).

George Smith [1965] - When Love Turns To Pity [Turntable TT-713] 


George E. Smith [1969] - Don't Find Me Guilty [Conclave RR 340]

Superb Deep Soul Beat Ballad

Conclave label was owned by Nat Badger (co-writer with Rosemarie McCoy) who died shortly after this 45 was recorded.  Badger's wife arranged for Smith and Jimmy Willis to take over the label but it does not seem that any further material was released.

George E. Smith [1969] - Human [Conclave RR 340]

Deep Soul

Version of Tommy Hunt's Human written by Luther Ingram's 

George Smith [1969] - If She Walked Into My Life Today [Bojo 1000]

MOR Jazz

George Smith [1969] - Out Of This World [Bojo 1000]

MOR Jazz

George Smith [1974] - Can You Talk? [Mosaic MDJ 19003]

Promo only?

Sweet Soul Ballad - poor quality sound clip

COVID-19 8th May 2020


Russia has seen a surge in new cases which have risen from 106,498 on 30 Apr to 177,160 moving Russia above France & Germany with 5th highest number of reported cases behind US, Spain, Italy & UK.

Change Deaths Change
IT 1,401 97.02% 274 74.3% 76.27% 23.73%  Inc.
ES 3,173 101.67% 213 87.3% 86.28% 13.72%  Inc.
DE 1,268 109.78% 117 41.5% 94.98% 5.02%  Red.
FR 600 16.48% 178 64.0% 67.92% 32.08%  Inc.
UK 5,614 91.87% 539 83.1% 1.11% 98.89%  Red.
US 29,531 115.99% 2,129 84.2% 73.85% 26.15%  Red.


IT - new cases -43 (97.02%), deaths -95 (74.25%), active cases -1,904 (82.78% of peak)

ES - new cases +52 (101.67%), deaths -31 (87.3%), active cases -1,600 (67.2% of peak)

FR - new cases -3,400 (16.48%), deaths -100 (64.03%), active cases -633 (98.33% of peak)

DE - new cases +113 (109.78%), deaths -165 (41.49%), active cases 72.86% of peak

US - new cases +4,072 (115.99%), deaths -399 (84.22%), active cases +23,139

UK - new cases -497 (91.87%), deaths -110 (83.05%), active cases + 5,075

UK Testing

Daily Cumulative
No. Tests
No. Tests
01-May 105,937 63,667 1,129,907 825,946
02-May 76,496 56,397 1,206,405 882,343
03-May 85,186 62,956 1,291,591 945,299
04-May 84,806 69,839 1,383,842 1,015,138
05-May 69,463 57,006 1,448,010 1,072,144
06-May 86,583 85,092 1,534,533 1,139,626

Latest stats from Worldometers

Latest v previous day - Recovery rate v Death Rate

Total Active Conc. Recvd. Deaths Recvd% Death%
IT 215,858 89,624 126,234 96,276 29,958 76.27% 23.73%
ES 256,855 66,866 189,989 163,919 26,070 86.28% 13.72%
DE 169,430 22,138 147,292 139,900 7,392 94.98% 5.02%
FR 174,791 93,777 81,014 55,027 25,987 67.92% 32.08%
UK 206,715 175,756 30,959 344 30,615 1.11% 98.89%
US 1,292,623 998,445 294,178 217,250 76,928 73.85% 26.15%

Latest v previous day - increase / decrease

New Cases
7 May
New Cases
6 May
New Case Increase
7 May
5 May
IT 1,401 1,444 -43 274 369 -95
ES 3,173 3,121 52 213 244 -31
DE 1,268 1,155 113 117 282 -165
FR 600 3,640 -3,040 178 278 -100
UK 5,614 6,111 -497 539 649 -110
US 29,531 25,459 4,072 2,129 2,528 -399

Latest v previous day - actuals

Daily 07-May 06-May
Ctry New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate% Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
IT 1,401 215,858 29,958 13.9% 214,457 29,684 13.8%
ES 3,173 256,855 26,070 10.1% 253,682 25,857 10.2%
DE 1,268 169,430 7,392 4.4% 168,162 7,275 4.3%
FR 600 174,791 25,987 14.9% 174,191 25,809 14.8%
UK 5,614 206,715 30,615 14.8% 201,010 30,076 15.0%
US 29,531 1,292,623 76,928 6.0% 1,263,092 74,799 5.9%

Latest v one week ago - actuals

Weekly 07-May 30-Apr
Ctry New Cases Total Cases No. Deaths Death Rate%
Death Rate%
IT 1,401 215,858 29,958 13.9% 205,463 27,967 13.6%
ES 3,173 256,855 26,070 10.1% 239,340 24,543 10.3%
DE 1,268 169,430 7,392 4.4% 163,009 6,623 4.1%
FR 600 174,791 25,987 14.9% 167,178 24,376 14.6%
UK 5,614 206,715 30,615 14.8% 171,253 26,771 15.6%
US 29,531 1,292,623 76,928 6.0% 1,095,023 63,856 5.8%

Latest v one week ago - percentage rate increase

Daily Weekly
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
Death Rate
 Increase Factor
IT 100.7% 100.3% 105.1% 102.0%
ES 101.3% 99.6% 107.3% 99.0%
DE 100.8% 100.8% 103.9% 107.4%
FR 100.3% 100.3% 104.6% 102.0%
UK 102.8% 99.0% 120.7% 94.7%
US 102.3% 100.5% 118.0% 102.1%